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A Few Beauty Must-Haves for your road trips:

   Yes there is less traveling now due to Covid-19 but, you can use these products for short trips or to put in your bag to touch up your makeup throughout the day!

1. Cream Blush                                                                                     

Cream Blush is perfect for travel. You're going to want to avoid too many powder products because they can get damaged if they hit against things on the go. I personally like blush sticks over blush compacts because you can just swatch it across your cheeks and blend it with a sponge or just your fingers. 

*You can buy the blush sticks pictured by clicking the images.

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2. Multiple Compacts In One

    You know those compacts that have multiple levels and make that satisfying click sound when you close them? They have multiple names, some are called Beauty Bentos(Kaja Beauty) and some are called Multi Palettes(Morphe). Whatever name the brand has given to it doesn't change the concept. These stacked palettes are amazing for travel because they take up less space and are less likely to break because they are more compact. 

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3. Tinted Lip Balm


      Tinted Lip Balm is my go-to lip product when traveling because it's quick, easy to apply, and it won't leak. You can also get more coverage if you put a lip liner underneath it. Not to mention how nice your lips feel with lip balm on.

Click the image to buy the lip balm.

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